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发表日期:2018年6月10日  本页面已被访问 2352 次

Compliance with Applicable Laws and Standards

    At a minimum, Merchandise Manufacturers will be required to meet the following standards with respect to their operations as a whole:
  ·Laws and Regulations 法律法规
  Merchandise Manufacturers will comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and requirements in the manufacture and distribution of our products and supplies and in providing services to TCCC.
  ·Child Labor 童工
  Merchandise Manufacturers will not use child labor as defined by local law.

   ·Forced Labor 强迫劳工
  Merchandise Manufacturers will not use forced or  compulsory labor
  产品制造商不得使用 强迫或强制劳工。

  ·Abuse of Labor 虐待劳工
  Merchandise Manufacturers will not physically abuse employees

  ·Collective Bargaining 劳资谈判
  Merchandise Manufacturers will respect employees’ rights to choose whether to be represented by third parties and to bargain collectively in accordance with local law.
  ·Wages and Benefits  工资与福利
  Merchandise Manufacturer’s wages and benefits will  comply with local law
  产品制造商应按当地法律要求支付员工工资, 并提供相关福利。                         

  ·Working Hours 工作时间
  Merchandise Manufacturer’s working hours and overtime  will comply with local law.
                        ·        Health and Safety 卫生安全
                        Merchandise Manufacturer’s working conditions will
                        comply with local regulations.
                        ·        Environment 环境保护
                        Merchandise Manufacturers will comply with all
                        applicable environment laws.
                        Principle of Citizenship公民准则
                        Our reputation is built on trust.  Through good
                        citizenship we will nurture our relationships and
                        continue to build that trust.  That is the essence of
                        TCCC promise - to benefit and refresh everyone who is
                        touched by our business. Wherever TCCC does business, we
                        strive to be trusted partners and good citizens.  We are
                        committed in managing our business around the world with
                        a consistent set of values that represent the highest
                        standards of integrity and excellence.  We share these
                        values with our Merchandise Manufacturers making their
                        system strong.
                        这是可口可乐公司(TCCC)承诺使我们的生意伙伴受益并发展的关键所在. 无论何时何地,
                        We will adhere to the highest ethical standards, knowing
                        that the quality of our products, the integrity of our
                        brands and the dedication of our people build trust and
                        strengthen relationships.  We will serve the people who
                        enjoy our brands through innovation, superb customer
                        service, and respect for unique customs and cultures in
                        the communities where we do business.
                        我们拥护最高的道德标准, 我们深知我们的产品的质量, 我们的品牌的公信力,
                        我们员工的奉献都有助于建立我们的诚信和加强我们与消费者的关系. 我们将通过不断的创新,
                        优质的售后服务,对各地独特的文化和风俗习惯的尊重, 为那些喜欢我们的品牌的人提供优质的客户服务
                        We will treat each other with dignity, fairness and
                        respect.  We will foster an inclusive environment that
                        encourages all employees to develop and perform to their
                        fullest potential, consistent with a commitment to human
                        rights in our workplace.  TCCC’s workplace will be a
                        place where everyone’s ideas and contributions are
                        valued and where responsibility and accountability are
                        encouraged and rewarded.
                         我们将公平地与各位相处, 以诚相待, 互相尊重.
                        TCCC的生产场所将是一个每个人都能实现自己的理想, 奉献也有所价值, 忠于职守受到激励并奖励的地方.
                        We will conduct our business in ways that protect and
                        preserve the environment.  We will integrate principles
                        of environmental stewardship and sustainable development
                        into our business decisions and processes.
                              我们将以环保的方式进行业务经营. 至少我们期望我们的供应商能遵守当地相关的环保法律法规要求.
                        We will contribute our time, expertise and resources to
                        help develop sustainable communities in partnership with
                        local leaders.  We will seek to improve the quality of
                        life through locally relevant initiatives wherever we do
                        我们将奉献我们的时间, 专业技术, 和各种资源来支助当地居民机构发展适合的社会团体.
                        Responsible corporate citizenship is at the heart of
                        TCCC’s promise.  We believe that what is best for our
                        employees, for the community and for the environment is
                        also best for our business.
                              尽职可信赖的公民职权是TCCC承诺的核心所在. 我们确信那些对我们的雇员最好的, 对社会团体最好的,
                        对环境最好的事, 也就是对我们的业务最好的事.
                        Restrictions 限制
                        Stitched Soccer Balls (Footballs) Restrictions缝制足球限制
                        All stitched soccer balls featuring TCCC’s trademarks
                        must be sourced solely through Merchandise Manufacturers
                        authorized and managed by WWL, as set forth in the TCCC
                        Executive Office Memorandum dated 30 January, 2003 (see
                        Attachment A). 
                        WWL is responsible for all stitched soccer ball
                        agreements, warranties, ongoing inspection of
                        manufacturing facilities and stitching centers, and the
                        testing of all stitched soccer balls. WWL will make
                        certain that the authorized Merchandise Manufacturers
                        meet TCCC’s social compliance requirements. 
                        Additionally, all stitched soccer ball manufacturing
                        must take place in authorized facilities/stitching
                        centers and all inventory must be tightly controlled
                        from production all the way through shipping.  Given the
                        extreme high risk associated with stitched soccer balls,
                        extra controls are required. 
                        所有缝制足球的协议,授权,对工厂, 缝制中心的监控,
                        Geographic Restrictions地理限制
                        TCCC has compiled a list of countries and geographic
                        regions where unfair working conditions may have been
                        reported or suspected.  Please review the Watch Area
                        outlined in Attachment B.  In addition, Cambodia is
                        reported to have a very high rate of social compliance
                        issues; therefore, use of Merchandise Manufacturers in
                        Cambodia for the supply of merchandise bearing TCCC’s
                        trademarks outside of Cambodia is not authorized.
                        Countries under U.S. Trade Embargo美国禁运国家
                        TCCC will not allow production in any country under
                        trade embargo by the U.S.  This list includes countries
                        such as Angola, Afghanistan, Burma, Cuba, Iran, Iraq,
                        Libya, North Korea and Syria.  This list is not
                        exhaustive and is accurate as of the date of this
                        publication.  Countries under current embargo are listed
                        on “Office of Foreign Assets Control” website at
                        under the link entitled “Sanctions Program and Country
                        Summaries”.  Please refer to this site and follow the
                        restrictions which apply as a matter of law.
                        Antiboycott Issues 反抵制联盟问题
                        The antiboycott laws require U.S. firms to refuse to
                        participate in foreign boycotts that the U.S. does not
                        sanction. They have the effect of preventing U.S. firms
                        from being used to implement foreign policies of other
                        nations which run counter to U.S. policy.  The Arab
                        League boycott of Israel is the principal foreign
                        economic boycott with which U.S. companies must be
                        The following are some of the types of conduct that we
                        must avoid in order to comply with the U.S. laws:
                        agreement not to do business with Israel or a company
                        blacklisted for doing business with Israel (the simple
                        agreement, even if not carried out is illegal),
                        agreement to discriminate against other persons based on
                        race, religion, sex, national origin or nationality, and
                        implementation of letters of credit or any other form of
                        contract containing prohibited boycott terms or
                        Even if we do not agree to participate in any of the
                        above, the fact that someone requests that we do so
                        triggers our obligation under law to report the incident
                        to the US government.
                        Useful Internet sites: 有用的网址如下:
www.treas.gov/ofac  OFAC sanctions and specially
                        designated nationals information.
www.bxa.doc.gov  US Department of Commerce Bureau of
                        Export Administration.
www.state.gov  US Department of State country reports.
www.stat-usa.gov   This US DOC site provides a lot of
                        practical import/export info for countries around the


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