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发表日期:2018年6月8日  本页面已被访问 1955 次



    Minimum wage and overtime violationsUnintentional wage computation mistakesNo wage violations Excessive or illegal deductionsHiring deposits (where not regulated).

    Charge/deposit for tools, PPE, uniform etc.All equipment provided free of charge   Mandated benefits not provided i.e. social security,  maternity leave, annual leave, etc.

    All benefits provide  Non-payment of wages over one monthLate payment of
wagesWages paid on time.  

    Missing payroll recordsLegally required pay slips not issued  Manipulated payroll recordsUnintentional time  calculation mistakesAccurate time records.

    Missing employees on payrollConflicting employee testimony.             

    Lack of 7th day of rest on a regular basisOccasional  lack of 7th day rest 1-2 time / month7th day of rest guaranteed.

    Excessive hours - regular or overtime Average work hours will exceed allowable under waiver before waiver expirationRegular and overtime hours within legal limits.                       

    Legal work hours restrictions (children, women) exceededInsufficient break time provided.

    Off-clock workUnintentional missed punchesAll hours in  compliance with local law Fraudulent time recordsAltered time records.
    Missing time recordsInaccurate time records. 
    None or Missing employee age documents Age documentation maintained for all ees.
    Insufficient docs for apprentice programs. 
    Child labor not abiding by country or client age restrictionsChildren present but not working; historic child laborNo child labor.

    Non-compliance with youth regulations (work hours,tasks) Falsified employee identification.  

    Restricted liberties on the work floorRestricted liberties in the dormitory (Curfew)
                        Original documents retained by facility without employee
                        permissionEmployer retention of docs w/employee
                        permission but ees can’t access docsEmployees control
                        their own documents or ee representative has access to
                        docs w/o management intervention.
                        Confirmed mandatory overtimeReported mandatory overtime
                        Physical or verbal abuse No physical or verbal abuse
                        Confirmed wage DiscriminationReported discrimination,
                        not confirmed.

                        Unlawful/excessive disciplinary deductions No monetary
                        disciplinary deductions
                        Denied/Restricted freedom of associationWorker
                        organizations discouraged or not recognizedFreedom of
                        association allowed
                         Pregnancy testingNo pregnancy testing
                        Security checks involving removal of clothing Frisking
                        by opposite sexSame sex frisking
     Home workers w/no records, no monitoringHome workers w/records and monitoring visitsHome worker network fully documented, all records maintained, with monitoring and training program in place. 

    All wages, benefits provided.
    Intentional nondisclosure of sub contractorsDisclosure of unapproved subcontractors producing goods for the clientNo subcontractors or home workers used  Missing legally required labor contractsFailure to meet  terms of labor contractComplies with all local labor law   regulations  Misclassification of employees, resulting in lack of overtime or other benefitsBreech of probation period limits or terms   Any part of the inspection denied or refused  
  Missing legally required licenses or shipping visas, 
quota or environmental permitsLegally required postings   not posted  Incorrect country of origin paperwork/labels. 
                         No health and safety training.  No training records
                        maintained.  Insufficient safety training.Employees and
                        supervisors trained in first aid, evacuation drills and
                        use of fire equipment.




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联系地址:北京市海淀区清华大学液晶大楼   联系电话:18305759080;QQ:375453467   联系人:濮先生